Monday, November 24, 2008

Movie Review: Twilight

The Twilight series is one of my favorite book series of all time. Second only to Harry Potter.

I know, Twilight and Harry Potter are books for kids but I don't care. The stories are awesome!

The Twilight movie was good. Not great but not bad. The main thing to keep in mind is that the book consists mostly of Bella's thoughts and feelings. That combined with the fact that the book isn't that long and doesn't have a ton of drama, it is hard to see how this book can even be turned into a movie.

For tge most part, the movie did a good job of staying true to the book and adding and changing things that made sense for the film.

I think that given what the book had to offer, the movie did it justice.

Sure, there are things that I would have changed. I think that there were some things missing from the movie that could have made it a lot better. Like a lot of the dialog between Bella and Edward.

The other problem I had was with Jasper. In the book Jasper is one of my favorite characters but in the movie he came off as a bloodthirsty Edward Scissorhands.

All in all, I would suggest seeing this movie. I think if you are a big fan of the books and/or you are a teenage girl this is the movie for you!!

Mangy Squirrel Rating: 3 1/2 acorns out of 5.

Sent from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

Um.. you have a typo. I am taking you off the typing goddess pedestal I had you on!

Still not going to see the movie, waiting for it on DVD!

Anonymous said... noted at the end of the article I types the whole thing on my iPhone. As such, I should not be held responsible for typos!