Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Okay, so I know, I suck

I didn't even manage to keep up the new years blogging resolution for a full week. That has to be some sort of record.

I have not seen any new movies lately. Usually the first part of the year sucks for movies anyway. The good ones don't seem to show up in the theater until around May.

I am hoping to review/recap on each episode of Lost. But since there are like serious Lost freaks out there my reviews will be short and sweet.

Also, there are some new shows getting ready to air for the midseason line-up. Dollhouse, etc...hopefully there will be something new that doesn't suck!

Sent from my iPhone


Foozman said...

"Okay, so I know, I suck"
That's too harsh - fill in the off season with comparisons of old movies vs remakes/reinterpretations, movie themed games, products or even review the reviewers.

Be happy and Be well

Foozman said...

I just happened to think of an old "Space Vampire" movie called Lifeforce, ever seen that one?
Had more special effects than it had quality scripting.
