Monday, December 15, 2008

Kirk Cameron is still a GIANT tool!!

Okay so this week it seems our buddy Kirk is telling people that they are going to Hell if they go to see movies that have blasphemous language. Really...Really!!!! How about, "hey man, rape and murder bad!" Nooo!! Seeing a movie with blasphemous words like "God or Jesus" will send you straight to the Hot Pit!

Then, most of the show was an advertisement for the Mel Gibson movie Passion of the Christ. You remember Mr. Gibson, right? He was the man who made anti-Semitic remarks to the officer arresting him for driving drunk and then calling a female officer "sugar-tits"!! Nice role model you got there Kirky!!!

I never saw Passion of the Christ. I wouldn't want to hand my money over to a hypocritical anti-Semite who obviously doesn't have any respect for women or the law!

Then, on the show Kirk shows clips of recent movies with people cussing (bleeping out the sinful parts, of course). These movies include the bucket list and some vince vaughn movie. If I were any of the actors in those movies I would be pissed!! Not to mention the fact that I can't recall hearing in the news that vince vaughn was running around calling the females that help serve and protect us sugar-tits!!!

All of this "see only the g rated god friendly movies" couldn't at all be a ploy to boost sales of Kirk's own lame-ass movie about god fearing fire fighters....could it?!! That would be....very wrong!!

And...Ray Comfort looked creeptastic in a tux!!!!

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greatnews lane said...

I'm really not comfortable with your repeated use of "sugar tits."

And why did Ray ask if, when in a movie that used blasphemy, if people were "worried"? Worried about what? That I'll be struck dead immediately for my sin, or worried that Ray will approach me after I leave Four Christmases to chastise me for finding Vince Vaughan humorous?

Anonymous said...

The Way of the Master is one of my favorite shows, and in fact it is the only show I watch regularly. I love to watch Kirk and Ray make jack asses of themselves every week. My dream is to have either one of those clowns witness to me on the street someday.