Thursday, January 22, 2009

LOST season 5 ep. 1 & 2

So....It looks like everyone and their mom has reviewed lastnights episode of Lost.

It was a good episode. Lost has always been the kind of show that u have to watch every episode or you will be completely "lost". The upcoming time travel in the show will probably be cool but has the potential to confuse Lost watchers that are not die hard fans.

The best part of the show lastnight was Hurley's recap of the entire Lost story!!! It sounded absolutely insane....but not!

I am looking forward to this season and preparing myself for it to just get more weird and confusing...but, that is part of the appeal of Lost!!!

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Okay, so I know, I suck

I didn't even manage to keep up the new years blogging resolution for a full week. That has to be some sort of record.

I have not seen any new movies lately. Usually the first part of the year sucks for movies anyway. The good ones don't seem to show up in the theater until around May.

I am hoping to review/recap on each episode of Lost. But since there are like serious Lost freaks out there my reviews will be short and sweet.

Also, there are some new shows getting ready to air for the midseason line-up. Dollhouse, etc...hopefully there will be something new that doesn't suck!

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Friday, January 2, 2009

Music Review: The Twilight Soundtrack

I have seen the Twilight movie twice. It is pretty good (the books are fantastic).

In the movie the music wasn't really that noticable the first time I saw it but it stood out much more the second time around.

I love soundtracks. I would say that of my CD collection (which is at least 500 CDs) that I would guess that at least 1/4 of them are soundtracks. The Twilight soundtrack has moved to my TOP 5 favorites! It is a rare treat to find a CD where I can listen to the whole thing without skipping past songs that suck. Though all of the songs are very good. My favorites are:

~Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation -

~Decode by Paramore -

~Supermassive Black Hole by Muse -

~Never Think by Robert Patterson (Edward Cullen) is also very good

Even if you have not seen the movie or thought it wasn't good, I would still strongly recommend this CD!!!