Friday, February 27, 2009

The Evil Beast

Once upon a time there was a girl who couldn't fall asleep because she was being harassed by a furry demon beast who would wail at the top of his lungs every time she closed her eyes.

The girl tried screaming at the beast but it was not even phased! She tried throwing pillows at him, but that only made the screaming grow louder and more persistent!

Finally, she dragged herself from her warm bed and stumbled into the bathroom to turn on the bathtub sink in hopes that the fur-ocious beast would drink himself into slumber.

Once the evil creature finished drinking, the girl turned off the water and climbed back into her bed. The now watered demon also curled up in his bed and they both fell fast asleep!

The end.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Movie Review: Coraline

The Best Things:

Coraline was visually fantastic! I saw the movie in 3-D and it was absolutely beautiful. The story was dark and creepy (as all good children's stories are). Even the animation itself was creeptastic!! It sort-of looked like a cartoon version of The Nightmare Before Christmas (which makes sense since it had the same director).

The Worst Things:

The movie didn't seem to have a lot of energy. It was beautiful to watch and the story was interesting but there wasn't that added umpf of something-or-other to push it above and beyond. Rather then being on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next, I found myself thinking, "Is something going to happen soon?"


I would recommend seeing it to friend. Especially, a friend with a child. While some of the reviews I read claimed that the movie was too scary for a child, I didn't see that as a problem at all. It was dark, but not dark enough to drive a kid to nightmares (unless the kid was already unstable in some way).

Mangy Squirrel Rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 acorns.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lost 2/04

So...we all new it but last night it was confirmed that Jin is alive!! Yay! And saved by Roussou (I took german, not French so I know my spelling of her name is wrong) when she was pregant, so the island is like 16 years in the past. I wonder if the "disease" she claimed her people got was caused by the time shifts. I am trying to remember if she and Jin ever met or spoke on the island. Hmmm...

Don't get me wrong, the time traveling is cool but sometimes it makes my head hurt! Not in the nose bleeding sense though.

The real problem is that in thinking her husband is dead, Sun has sort of become a murderous bitch and is putting the blame on the wrong people.

Hurley is in prison and was looking his best in that orange jumpsuit! NOT!!

The oceanic six were all back together sans Hurley in prison but seeing as how we still have like 14 more episodes and I am guessing they won't get back to the island until the end of that time, it is safe to assume that next week something is going to go terribly wrong.

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