Monday, December 29, 2008

Ode to my iPhone

With my iPhone
I can call all my friends
I can talk talk talk
Until the day ends

With my iPhone
I can surf on the net
I can check my facebook
And post pictures of wolfram, my pet

My iPhone tells me the weather
and let's me play games
Downloading stuff for free
Definately isn't lame

It stores all my music
And phone numbers too
I can watch the stocks drop
while crying, boo-hoo.

So many cool apps
Like a virtual dog
My iPhone's so awesome
It deserves a poem on my blog!

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Movie Review: The Day The Earth Stood Still

The Day the Earth Stood Still, a remake of the 1950s movie of the same name starring Jennifer Connelly and Keanu Reeves was a decent flick but nothing special.

Special Effects: the effects were cool, however I think they could have had more of a punch.

The Plot: the plot of the movie was somewhat different from that of the original. The main theme was one that seems to be very popular amongst movies right now (humans are destroying the planet) which is seen in other movies like Wall-e and The Happening. I would say that of these 3 movies I would rank this one as 2nd place (wall-e 1st and the happening 3rd)

The Acting: the role of the alien Klatuu was perfect for Keanu Reeves, as he is not the most well rounded actor but does a good job playing stiff alien or robotic roles with minimal emotions. Jennifer Connelly made up for Keanu's lack of emotion. The kid, played by Will Smith's son was VERY annoying and the part could have probably been removed without anyone noticing. He was nothing more then an unnecessary annoyance.

The worst part of the movie was the ending. It seemed rushed.

I would recommend watching this movie on a rainy day when it is free on cable.

Mangy Squirrel Rating: 2 1/2 out of 5 acorns.

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Monday, December 22, 2008

New years blogging resolution

So, I am thinking it would be a good idea to structure my blog a bit. Starting next week I am going to try to follow the following schedule:

Monday: Retro Reviews - me reviewing older movies.

Tuesday: Poem day

Wednesday: Favorite song of the week - me highlighting my favorite song of the week.

Thursday - nothing

Friday - Photo Friday

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Friday, December 19, 2008

My Bloody Valentine 3D - coming soon

I saw a movie trailer tonight for the new 3D horror movie My Bloody Valentine 3D. Even though I don't do "slasher" horror movies I must admit I am intrigued. The fact that it is 3D, I would imagine would make it ultra terrifying! I wonder if this 3D thing is a new film trend that is going to become popular with more and more mainstream movies. Usually when you think 3D you think nature documentary but it looks like that is no longer the case.

This movie is starring Jensen Eckles of Supernatural (YUM) and a bunch a cry-baby skinny girls.

Another thing I liked about the trailer was the tagline:

"Nothing says date movie like a 3D ride to Hell!"

I know I would be terrified and would probably close my eyes and plug my ears for most of it (thus wasting like $15) but I kinda want to see it.

It comes out at the end of January.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

10 Great Holiday Movies

Below are my favorite Holiday movies. They are not in any kind of order.

1. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (the cartoon version only) - a classic

2. Rudolph - another classic. It is full of claymation goodness!

3. Die Hard - Yippee-ki-yay mother$&@?&$!! Also, it has Alan Rickman as the bad guy....YUM!!

4. Babes in Toyland (only the one from 1960). This movie is awesome. They don't play it enough!!

5. Scrooged. One of my all time favorites!! More holiday movies should be like this one!!

6. A Christmas Story. Yet another classic.

7. The Gremlins. Answering the age old question of what to get someone who has everything!!

8. The Shining. There is nothing like watching the snow gently fall from a beautiful hotel...especially if you are staying in room 237!!!

9. The Nightmare Before Christmas. Is it a Christmas movie? Is it a Halloween movie? Who cares?!

10. Mickey's Christmas Carol. I use to watch this every year when I was a kid!!

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Kirk Cameron is still a GIANT tool!!

Okay so this week it seems our buddy Kirk is telling people that they are going to Hell if they go to see movies that have blasphemous language. Really...Really!!!! How about, "hey man, rape and murder bad!" Nooo!! Seeing a movie with blasphemous words like "God or Jesus" will send you straight to the Hot Pit!

Then, most of the show was an advertisement for the Mel Gibson movie Passion of the Christ. You remember Mr. Gibson, right? He was the man who made anti-Semitic remarks to the officer arresting him for driving drunk and then calling a female officer "sugar-tits"!! Nice role model you got there Kirky!!!

I never saw Passion of the Christ. I wouldn't want to hand my money over to a hypocritical anti-Semite who obviously doesn't have any respect for women or the law!

Then, on the show Kirk shows clips of recent movies with people cussing (bleeping out the sinful parts, of course). These movies include the bucket list and some vince vaughn movie. If I were any of the actors in those movies I would be pissed!! Not to mention the fact that I can't recall hearing in the news that vince vaughn was running around calling the females that help serve and protect us sugar-tits!!!

All of this "see only the g rated god friendly movies" couldn't at all be a ploy to boost sales of Kirk's own lame-ass movie about god fearing fire fighters....could it?!! That would be....very wrong!!

And...Ray Comfort looked creeptastic in a tux!!!!

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tis the go crazy

Is it just me!!! I have noticed the following happens the second Thanksgiving is over and lasts until the end of the year.

1. People on the road are crazy! Thats right folks, crazy. There was a little bit of traffic the other day on 29 towards the mall and some FOOL couldn't wait it out and tried to go across the median which was basically a big ditch and naturally she got stuck. What a loser!! I mean really. So much for being in that much of a rush. Now she is going to have to sit there and wait for a tow truck. On the plus side, I was entertained while sitting in traffic!!

2. People trying to park are crazy! It took me 45 minutes to find a parking space at the mall the other day. I just couldn't believe it. I mean the economy is in crisis and whatnot! It isn't like I was at Wal-Mart!

3. Time flys like crazy! Spending all your time everyday just trying to prepare for the holidays which don't even feel like the holidays (and everyone says this every year, which leaves me to believe that when you don't feel like it feels like its the holidays, that is the true feeling you are suppose to have on the holidays....still with me). People always have these grand plans and nothing seems to ever work out because we are all so busy being busy all the time. Like baking cookies, which I say I am going to do every year. I have all the cookie supplies and yet, I never have the time to bake the cookies! My friend had a great idea the other day. Get a variety of Elf Fudge, Oreos, Nutter Butter cookies and throw them in tins to give to people as gifts. Does it count that you opened up each of the boxes and put the cookies into tins? I mean I guess you could get cookies that look homemade like from the grocery store or something, but whats the point. I mean, if you are not going to do it, you might as well not do it right!!

4. Trying to find the right gift....right! Again, since the economy sucks we can't even cop out with a gift card because who knows if that company is going to be in business next month (of course you could always get a nice gift certificate combo of McDonalds and Wal-Mart because they are not going anywhere). So now, we really have to think about what to get hard....everyone gets cookies....oh right....I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO MAKE THEM!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ode to Thanksgiving

There once was a farmer named John
who worked on his farm all day long
He milked cows all day
and then he would shovel some hay
whilst singing a jaunty song.

John had a pet turkey named Moe
After the bartender from the Simpson's, you know
He could dance, talk and sing
He could do just about anything
but of course he still couldn't sew.

Each year when November came
John's wife would say the same
"Without turkey to carve
we shall surely starve
and you will be to blame!"

But John wouldn't comply
He didn't want Moe to die
He'd say, "Mary, my dear
no need to fear
a frozen Turkey I shall go buy."

But this year wasn't the same
When November came
Because times were tough
There was only one thing to stuff
and the bad economy was to blame!

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Movie Review: Twilight

The Twilight series is one of my favorite book series of all time. Second only to Harry Potter.

I know, Twilight and Harry Potter are books for kids but I don't care. The stories are awesome!

The Twilight movie was good. Not great but not bad. The main thing to keep in mind is that the book consists mostly of Bella's thoughts and feelings. That combined with the fact that the book isn't that long and doesn't have a ton of drama, it is hard to see how this book can even be turned into a movie.

For tge most part, the movie did a good job of staying true to the book and adding and changing things that made sense for the film.

I think that given what the book had to offer, the movie did it justice.

Sure, there are things that I would have changed. I think that there were some things missing from the movie that could have made it a lot better. Like a lot of the dialog between Bella and Edward.

The other problem I had was with Jasper. In the book Jasper is one of my favorite characters but in the movie he came off as a bloodthirsty Edward Scissorhands.

All in all, I would suggest seeing this movie. I think if you are a big fan of the books and/or you are a teenage girl this is the movie for you!!

Mangy Squirrel Rating: 3 1/2 acorns out of 5.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

Kirk Cameron is a Butt-Munch!

Let us begin with a quote:

"The Mormon is no different then the Jehovahs witness, the roman catholic and the Jew. It's just sinful man trying to wash himself clean with a different brush." -Ray Comfort

This season of Way of the Master (the ultra creepy religious show with kirk cameron and ray comfort) is the worst yet. They have gone from spouting their crap about their weirdo version of Christianity to actually going after other religions. I mean who the hell are they to tell others that what they believe is wrong?!

According to Christianity by kirk and ray, if u believe god loves you then you are going to hell because you are creating a false idol.

And what is really disturbing is that people are actually buying into this crap.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Review: Across the Universe

I wanted to see Across the Universe when it came out but I just never got around to it.

To sum it up-

It is basically a 2 hour music video for very well done Beatle's covers with a seriously psychadelic feel. I would imagine if you were high when you watched it that it would be awesome. But if you watch it sober as I did, it is totally weird but entertaining.

The best part was the music. I had downloaded a few of the songs before seeing the movie but now I really want the whole cd.

The best songs:
Because: a truly amazing cover!!!
Dear Prudence
Okay basically they are all awesome

It is worth seeing.

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Random Thoughts from a girl who can't Sleep

Okay, so it is 4:00 in the morning and after a nightmare I am unable to go back to sleep.

Quick note: it's 4:00 and I am typing this using my iPhone. Don't mind the errors.

Random thoughts at 4:00 am:

1. The economy sucks. Like, a lot!! (bad enough for me to have a nightmare about being so poor that I have to be a theme-waitress for some bizare version of the USO. Me dressed in a biohazard suit selling government officials cigars. What the hell is that suppose to mean?!?!

2. I am so ready for the movie Twilight to come out already. I read the books, I've seen the 8 million various trailers and now I really feel that I am ready. With my love of the books and all the mad hype of this movie, I am guessing that it will be some kind of miracle if it lives up to anyones standards. I have high hopes and believe me, I will review that sucker as soon as I see it. The thing that I am trying to keep in mind, and that others should to, is that the movie is going to be way different from the book. And that could be okay. The structure of the book isn't really suitable to be transferred direct into a script like Harry Potter was. The book isn't that long and a large majority of it is internal thoughts of the main character Bella. It comes out on the 21st.

3. Spiders are gross! (as are all bugs). My friend Milkweed and I were attacked by this really horrifying spider in the office!! We thought it was dead and when we got close enough to investigate, it jumped at us! Oh and, the horrible fly that spent it's morning buzzing around my light finally died and fell from the light directly into my coffee!! Ick!

4. It's almost effing thanksgiving!! That's right folks, the holidays are here. Where did this year go? And with all the horrible economy stuff who wants to Christmas shop. Is anyone going to have Christmas spirit? I'm guessing that's a big ole jolly no-no-no!

5. I'm really should be cleaning instead of blogging. I am suppose to have people over tonight and I was going to get up early to clean because I was a lazy bum and did nothing last night (except get a little drunk). I'll start in a few minutes (yeah right!).

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Most Annoying Commercial of all Time!!!

The VW commercials with Brook Shields are so annoying that they make me was to throw up on my own car (and I have a VW Beetle)!!

Brook Shields is not a comedian and really shouldn't attempt to be. In these commercials she goes on about how people everywhere are having babies just to get the VW Van thing (which is super ugly anyway). It is such a stupid commercial and there seems to be new ones popping up that have the same lame-ass "baby" joke with, of course lame-ass Brook Shields. We get it, okay. We all had to hear about her and scientology psycho Tom Cruise's fight over the use of drugs after pregnancy...blah, blah. But really!! To put her in a commercial. Was VW so hard pressed for celebrity endorsements that they chose the lamest person ever!! Maybe one of the VW ad executives was up late one night watching that super stupid show she use to be on, Suddenly Susan, or whatever and they were obviously so high that they considered the show to be funny. Who knows?!

The commercial is lame and stupid and everytime it comes on I want to scream, change the channel and go outside and kick every VW with a steel toe boot!!!!!

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

MS's 2008 Election Coverage

Usually, when I am watching tv and there is a "special report" interruption I change the channel or find something better to do. But last night I not only found myself watching the election coverage, but I was looking forward to it! I sort of made me feel old for a minute. There is nothing more boring then politicans to young people. So, it was really amazing to see so many young people in the crowd (people who were way young then me too).

This was the first time I voted at all and I am really glad that I did. Though I can't say I believe completely that it makes a difference (I guess that is just my "lone gunmen" complex), it really did make me feel like part of something.

Okay. So, things that stood out to me at the election coverage.

1. The music that was playing. The music McCain had after he gave his concession speech sounded like the star wars death march! Maybe it was just ABC.

2. Palin's dress. It looked like a giant bruise. A $150,000 bruise. At least she kept her mouth shut though!!

3. Obama's wife's dress. Wow!! Really horrible. I guess his side really isn't spending $150,000 on her clothes!

4. Obama's speech. Was amazing!! What a great speech.

I can only hope he does bring the change everyone needs!

Now we just have to wait until 1/20 so we can watch Bush get his butt evicted from the white house...finally!!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

10 "political" movies/tv shows that are not a snorefest!

1. 24 (tv)
2. The American president (movie)
3. Wag the Dog (movie)
4. Dave (movie)
5. Dick (movie)
6. The West Wing (tv show)
7. A clockwork orange (movie)
8. Independence day (movie. Ok it's a stretch)
9. W (I have not seen it yet but it is suppose to be good)
10. Welcome to Mooseport (movie)

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Monday, November 3, 2008


Don't forget to vote tomorrow....if you're voting for Obama!!

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Friday, October 31, 2008

MS's Top Ten Halloween Movies

These are not in any kind of order.

1. Teen Witch - 80's montages don't get any better then this!

2. Harry Potter (all) - You can't have Halloween without the most famous young wizard of all time.

3. The Exorcist - Split pea soup anyone?

4. Hocus Pocus - Disney did Halloween right with this movie!!

5. The Omen - Nothing is creepier then demonic children!

6. The Shining - All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. This movie also has the creepiest score of all time!!

7. Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte - Black and white. Sometimes it is funny to see what was scary to people a long time ago. (other totally old black, white and scary movies that rock: Freaks, Psycho, The Birds)

8. The Worst Witch (198something) - An awesome movie I remember being on every Halloween growing up. No one seems to remember it but me, but it was awesome!!

9. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - Don't worry if you have never seen the show. This movie is so weird and creepy, you won't understand anything that's going on anyway (except that you are going to have nightmares after watching it!)

10. The Ring - "Seven Days!!" ....of nightmares and unplugging your tv before you go to sleep!!!

Have a Happy Halloween!

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Thursday, October 30, 2008


This is a test

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Wolfram 2008 - ChickenWolfram 2007 - Lobster

Wolfram 2006 - Pig

Wolfram 2005 - Giraffe

Wolfram 2004 - Demon (his natural form)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Poem Monday: A Boring Poem from a Girl from GB

Boring, Boring
I am so bored
Boring, Boring
If I was milk, I would be curds

Why, oh why isn’t there anything to do
My tooth kinda hurts,
So gum I can’t even chew

Boring, Boring
You know that it is harsh
When I am actually looking forward
To doing a load of “warsh”!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Movie Review: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist starring Michael Cera (Nick) and Kat Dennings (Norah) is a hilarious blend of funny and cute that has a little something for everyone.

The Good Stuff:
1. The Cast - The movie was composed of mostly new faces with the exception of Michael Cera (Juno, Superbad), who, even though he is not a teen pretty-boy, seems to manage to get his "groove" on hardcore in every movie he’s in! It is nice to finally see the nice guy getting the girl (or girls in his case). You go Nick!!

2. The Story - The story was fun and the plot had a nice flow. I found myself constantly laughing throughout the movie and didn't seem to ever get bored. Even though the movie was an obvious teen love story, it didn't have that movie-of-the-week sappy feeling that often makes me want to heave massive chucks. The movie used parallel plots that seemed to meet up in all the right places (i) Nick and Norah (funny and cute) and (ii) Norah's lost, drunken friend Carolina (raunchy and entertaining).

The Bad Stuff:
1. The Creepy Dance - There is a scene where the movie's mean girl, Tris (Alexis Dziena) does a "sexy" dance. This totally creeped me out. She looked like a Bratz doll in dire need of sandwich (preferably something really fattening like the Wendy's Baconator). A girl with looks like hers is on the fast track towards becoming a regular cast member of the new 90210. EAT SOMETHING!!

2. Where's Fluffy - Throughout most of the movie the group of kids are in search of a band who is rumored to be performing called "Where's Fluffy" Where the eff was Fluffy!!!

Mangy Squirrel Rating: 4 out of 5 Acorns

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Max Payne Review

Max Payne, starring Mark Walberg and Mila Kunis was nothing more then a predictable, mindless action movie.

The Good Stuff:
1. The acting. Mila Kunis did an unexpectedly great job playing a Russian mob boss. Little Jackie from That 70's Show was the only character in the movie that did not get on my nerves hard core. Also, it was good to see Chris O'Donnell in a movie again, even though his character was a weepy lame-ass.

The Bad Stuff:
1. The Plot. The plot was.....MISSING. I don't know. Maybe it's because I never played the game or something, but, Wow. It seemed like the movie was made and then someone went through and cut out all the scenes that would help to make sense of what the hell was going on. I mean were the angel things flying around killing people a hallucination because of the drug or what? In the end though, I just really didn't care. The only plot line that did make any sense (Who killed his wife?), I had figured out within the first 20 minutes of the movie. Lame much!!

2. Special Effects - The action sequences and special effects were "okay". It was sort of The Punisher meets Constantine, though I would say both of those movies were WAY better then this one.

Mangy Squirrel Rating: 1 out of 5 Acorns

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weird Stuff from today's DC Trip

I went to DC today with my friends. We had a great time. Touring DC is always fun, especially since I almost never go there (because it's sort of scary). Here are some pictures of some of the many super creepy things I saw during the day.


Renn Fest Living Gargoyle!
Wow - This is the creepiest thing I have ever seen at the Renn Fest!! EVER!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall 2008 New TV Shows

Thoughts on this Falls TV Pilots:

1. True Blood (HBO) - Totally RULES!! Hot vampire action!! Need I say more! My favorite of the season!!

2. The Mentalist - Very Good. Suspenseful and interesting. Lacking hotties but worth watching.

3. Valentine - Good. Think Sabrina the Teenage Witch meets Clash of the Titans. It is cute but I doubt it will be able to hold its own. I doubt it will be granted a full season.

4. The Eleventh Hour - Sucks...HARD. This show was the worst piece of crap I have seen so far this year. The plot = unbelievable (and if I can get onto the plots of shows like Angel and Fringe, this is saying something!). The acting = horrible!! The writers of this show should have stayed on strike!!! Two words: UMMM....WOW....

5. Fringe - Good. I love JJ Abrams. He is a genius. Plus, Joshua Jackson...YUM. This show got off to a rocky start. The pilot episode was hard to follow. I was watching it and thinking, "Wow, am I smart enough to watch this show." But as the episodes progress it seems to be getting into a groove.

Welcome to my Blog!!

MS here!! First I want to say thanks to my friends Will and Ano for getting me started with this blog.

My main purpose here is to review things like TV shows, movies, games, and whatnot. I will also be talking about the many things that I find creepy (like bugs, birds and various creatures) and writing some short stories and poems.
