Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall 2008 New TV Shows

Thoughts on this Falls TV Pilots:

1. True Blood (HBO) - Totally RULES!! Hot vampire action!! Need I say more! My favorite of the season!!

2. The Mentalist - Very Good. Suspenseful and interesting. Lacking hotties but worth watching.

3. Valentine - Good. Think Sabrina the Teenage Witch meets Clash of the Titans. It is cute but I doubt it will be able to hold its own. I doubt it will be granted a full season.

4. The Eleventh Hour - Sucks...HARD. This show was the worst piece of crap I have seen so far this year. The plot = unbelievable (and if I can get onto the plots of shows like Angel and Fringe, this is saying something!). The acting = horrible!! The writers of this show should have stayed on strike!!! Two words: UMMM....WOW....

5. Fringe - Good. I love JJ Abrams. He is a genius. Plus, Joshua Jackson...YUM. This show got off to a rocky start. The pilot episode was hard to follow. I was watching it and thinking, "Wow, am I smart enough to watch this show." But as the episodes progress it seems to be getting into a groove.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Buddy - I luv ur new blog - u should give each movie a rating on a scale of up to 5 acorns - or 5 gargoyles?? ;) Happy birthday buddy and congratulations on ur new blog!!