Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random Thoughts from a girl who can't Sleep

Okay, so it is 4:00 in the morning and after a nightmare I am unable to go back to sleep.

Quick note: it's 4:00 and I am typing this using my iPhone. Don't mind the errors.

Random thoughts at 4:00 am:

1. The economy sucks. Like, a lot!! (bad enough for me to have a nightmare about being so poor that I have to be a theme-waitress for some bizare version of the USO. Me dressed in a biohazard suit selling government officials cigars. What the hell is that suppose to mean?!?!

2. I am so ready for the movie Twilight to come out already. I read the books, I've seen the 8 million various trailers and now I really feel that I am ready. With my love of the books and all the mad hype of this movie, I am guessing that it will be some kind of miracle if it lives up to anyones standards. I have high hopes and believe me, I will review that sucker as soon as I see it. The thing that I am trying to keep in mind, and that others should to, is that the movie is going to be way different from the book. And that could be okay. The structure of the book isn't really suitable to be transferred direct into a script like Harry Potter was. The book isn't that long and a large majority of it is internal thoughts of the main character Bella. It comes out on the 21st.

3. Spiders are gross! (as are all bugs). My friend Milkweed and I were attacked by this really horrifying spider in the office!! We thought it was dead and when we got close enough to investigate, it jumped at us! Oh and, the horrible fly that spent it's morning buzzing around my light finally died and fell from the light directly into my coffee!! Ick!

4. It's almost effing thanksgiving!! That's right folks, the holidays are here. Where did this year go? And with all the horrible economy stuff who wants to Christmas shop. Is anyone going to have Christmas spirit? I'm guessing that's a big ole jolly no-no-no!

5. I'm really should be cleaning instead of blogging. I am suppose to have people over tonight and I was going to get up early to clean because I was a lazy bum and did nothing last night (except get a little drunk). I'll start in a few minutes (yeah right!).

Sent from my iPhone

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